I have this 1300.00 juicy leather hand bag i got from browns on robson. It would be nice if i was able to sell it you guys. But i know juicy isnt like lv or chanel. But i did pay just as much.lol
Selling FAKE HERMES BAGS!! Buyers beware!!! The owner of this shop is tied to a high-end luxury resale website that scams it's customers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. They build rapport through email correspondence and In this particular situation the bags were fake Hermes and they acted as a certified reseller for them. I found 3 others that had also been scammed around the same time frame each transaction was upwards of 30k. They are extremely well versed on the subject of luxury handbags. Once your trust has been gained they offer up this amazing item at this ridiculously great price and you end up sending your hard earned money and Once your money has been sent they no longer reply to emails or acknowledge you at all. In the event they decide to send you something it's nothing but a well put together overseas knock off. Do not make the same mistake. There is no way to recover your money once it has been sent because they use an app called transfer wise and have you wire the money directly to a bank that's located in Hong Kong.
I have this 1300.00 juicy leather hand bag i got from browns on robson. It would be nice if i was able to sell it you guys. But i know juicy isnt like lv or chanel. But i did pay just as much.lol
ReplyDeleteis this a canadian site? It is forwarding me to tradesy.
ReplyDeleteYes same here.. forwarding to tradesy
ReplyDeleteHi can i bring a chanel bag in that i would like to sell
ReplyDeleteTradesy link does not even work.
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ReplyDeleteLuxury Lash Brand ! @Diamonddustyyc
ReplyDeleteSelling FAKE HERMES BAGS!! Buyers beware!!! The owner of this shop is tied to a high-end luxury resale website that scams it's customers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. They build rapport through email correspondence and In this particular situation the bags were fake Hermes and they acted as a certified reseller for them. I found 3 others that had also been scammed around the same time frame each transaction was upwards of 30k. They are extremely well versed on the subject of luxury handbags. Once your trust has been gained they offer up this amazing item at this ridiculously great price and you end up sending your hard earned money and Once your money has been sent they no longer reply to emails or acknowledge you at all. In the event they decide to send you something it's nothing but a well put together overseas knock off. Do not make the same mistake. There is no way to recover your money once it has been sent because they use an app called transfer wise and have you wire the money directly to a bank that's located in Hong Kong.